Znode is an ecommerce platform for creating relevant and personalized ecommerce website experiences.
- Fully Customizable Ecommerce Platform
- Industry's Best Value and Performance with Lowest Overall TCO
- Single Admin to Manage Multi Store/Multi Tenant Ecommerce Websites
- Mobile Commerce Ready
- Powerful ASP.NET MVC Ecommerce Architecture
- Fast Speed to Market, Implement up to 100 Stores in as little as 3 Months
- RESTful API for Rapid Integration with Back Office Systems
Since Znode is a powerful and flexible application, it isn't surprising that it is also resource intensive. While older versions performed well on DiscountASP.NET shared hosting, the most current versions of Znode require more server resources to run optimally.

For Znode sites, we recommend using our cloud hosting platform
Everleap. Everleap is perfect for resource intensive applications, offering scaling options that are not possible at DiscountASP.NET, including running your Znode site on its own
private SSD-powered Cloud Server, with up to 4 GB RAM.
You can try Everleap free for 30 days.